The truth is that we are guaranteed to get more of what we focus on. Nothing ever happens to us that we’re not capable of triumphing over. Nothing ever happens we cannot learn to overcome. We are never given any challenge that we cannot learn to dominate.

Develop a healthy curiosity. What is this situation trying to teach me? What is it that I need to learn? What is actually going to be best for me here? Ask yourself, when you’re ready, what are these emotions signalling? When are they appearing? And under what circumstances?

What role do I have to play in this?

See your emotions, not as things to be avoided, but as opportunities to be explored. See them as invitations to evolve and strengthen yourself. Listen to them. They are literally indicators showing you where you need to apply your focus and energy.

You may have found yourself in unfamiliar territory. It’s an invitation. A temporary invitation. You now need to identify and work with it otherwise all you’re going through has been for nothing.

In Rumi’s poem, “The Guest House,” the concept of emotions being indicators that rest upon our true natures, the awareness and presence that remains steadfast, is highlighted wonderfully:

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness.

Some momentarey awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

πŸ”₯🧠 πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honourably.

He may be clearing you out

for some new delight.

πŸ”₯🧠 πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.

Meet them at the door laughing,

and invite them in.

πŸ”₯🧠 πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

Be grateful for whoever comes,

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.

Everything that we perceive comes and goes. Regardless of what’s going on around us, you alone are afforded the privilege of determining the ultimate quality of your experience. You are, at your deepest level, the silent quality that is aware of these feelings.

You are already enlightened, already powerful, already capable, but your identification with the subject of your experience creates a blanket of noise that has been preventing you from resting in the expansive awareness that is your birthright. A blanket of noise that you can learn to manage.

If all behaviour is purposeful, what’s stopping you, right now, from choosing that which aligns with the creation of your own life? If our needs are always seeking completion, wouldn’t it be worth discovering what they are to understand why we behave as we do? Why our patterns are as they are?

What’s stopping you, right now, from making choices that reflect your best self? What’s stopping you from creating your own rules? From breaking them when necessary?

Have you ever given any thought to what it is you actually want out of life? What is it you don’t want?

Have you ever given any thought as to why you desire these things? Or are you going through life on autopilot?

Uncontrolled drives equal unconscious living, and vice-versa. Life is so much better when lived mindfully.


Developing a connection with others is important but not at the expense of strengthening the connection with ourselves. Work on the things that enable you to regain a connection with your core self.

There is a tremendous opportunity for relief when we accept ourselves in our magnificence and no longer feel as if we must hide ourselves away, instead, taking our circumstances and using them as a canvas upon which to create a masterpiece of our own; a masterpiece of our whole, best selves.

The mind continually reaches for things in an attempt to satiate a longing that may only be satisfied by becoming more familiar with itself. There is a tremendous opportunity for growth that exists within each and every situation if we are willing to swallow our egos and accept ourselves in our entirety.

Consider the reason you’re struggling may be because you’ve lost sight of who you are at your core. It may be that you’ve been constantly abandoning yourself in order to not get abandoned by another. Is anybody actually winning?

There is a tremendous opportunity for empowerment when we realise that we are just as capable as anyone else in making the changes we desire.
Huge shifts occur when we start sending our energy toward ourselves rather than abandoning what we know to be true in an attempt to fit in with everybody else.

Understand that the emotional qualities you may have been experiencing are all part of the human condition. There is no getting away from this. Everybody hurts but few realise that within their suffering there lies the solution. There is a message within it that is trying to get through…