Once we decide on the reality to which our efforts are working towards—once we nurture that vision with a firm and loving solution focus—once we play out the vision of becoming one with that reality, repeatedly, through to completion—our energies will become more in alignment with that goal and we may find the banal chatter inside our head that serves only as a barrier between us and the healing energy of the universe simply dissolves, aligning our frequencies with the task at hand. The chances of us obtaining our solutions infinitely increasing to the point whereby change all but becomes inevitable. We may then realise the one and only thing that has been standing in our way this whole time.

The misconception that whatever can be acquired externally will bring about the wealth so desired internally is perhaps one of the most insidious tricks played on us. We are actively doing ourselves a disservice by continuing to participate in this deception.
If we take the time to stop and inquire unto ourselves we may realise that the capacity for true contentment already lies within. Buying ourselves into it only pulls us further from where we need to be. Through such inquiry, we may be able to identify the ideas and concepts repeatedly pulling us away from the love and awareness present at our very core.
To study the mechanics of our dissatisfaction is to no longer be dissatisfied. By its very nature, nothing outside ourselves will ever be enough to quell the longing for more. True wealth cannot be bought. Lasting, deep, pervasive wealth can only come from within.

Achieving happiness is actually pretty simple. In fact, happiness is simple. We create formulas and theories to try to explain why we’re not experiencing happiness but it all starts with having the courage to get to know ourselves and then acting as congruently with this vision as possible.

We may discover we are in receipt of a lot more than we were previously aware of. Or, as Dr. David R. Hawkins says in Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender:

In a freer state, that which is chosen manifests in our life effortlessly. We surrender the emotion of desire and, instead, merely choose the goal, picture it lovingly, and allow it to happen because we see that it is already ours.

I remember the first time I made it out of that hospital room it was so painful I was in floods of tears. I was physically supported by a large, padded walking frame and mentally supported by my Mum. She was also crying whilst standing outside the doorway, willing me on, alongside my physiotherapist, who was clearly feeling the energy from the results of everyone’s hard work manifest. There was so much love and passion in that one moment alone, it does absolutely no justice trying to put it into words.

A profound kind of wisdom lies deep within each and every one of us if we are prepared to stop and connect with it, but instead, we race around from one thing to the next, endlessly chasing our thoughts and never giving ourselves a moment’s rest—continually looking for distraction after distraction and not realising that our true selves—true peace and contentment, true power and strength, true connection and stability—everything we could ever need—everything we could ever wanteverything that is truly important—is already available to us and less than a heartbeat away.

Neural pathways have developed in certain patterns as a result of our synapses repetitively firing together. Certain patterns of thinking then become effortless, resulting in our reaction to life experiences.

This is where our skills, our limitations, our successes, and our failures come from. This is where our learned responses originate. This is how we have become the person we are and how we become the person we want to be. We are a simply collection of patterns and experiences, of thoughts and imaginations that we assume, in our infinite wisdom, are unequivocally true.

The more these synapses fire together, the stronger these links get.

As Linda Graham writes in Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being,

“[A]ll mental activity sculpts neural structures in some way, [so] any effort we put into deepening our awareness of any objects of mindfulness will in turn strengthen the prefrontal cortex, increasing our capacity for self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-knowing. In this sense, paying attention to the self, knowing it honestly, without distortion or camouflage, is not self-indulgent.

“It is an awareness of self that still leads to the awareness of being aware. And awareness is foundational to resilience.”

We have the ability to completely rewire previous patterns by consciously making different choices, thus interrupting previous patterns and exercising our brain’s innate neuroplasticity. How liberating is that?

To become more in tune with ourselves—and, potentially, the very consciousness of the universe⁠⁠—the realisation that we already have everything we ever wanted—everything we ever needed—you may wish to calming the mind and allowing your thoughts to rest.

This allows us to get in touch with our true selves; the awareness that exists below our thoughts and emotions. This then provides us with a solid base upon which to build.

All the answers you are looking for already lay within you. All the answers you are looking for lay in silence. You are already the happiness you seek.

The deeper we go, the more we become aware the energy of love really is the only thing that matters. Love, not directed at any one person, but at every person and everything. Love for life. Love for ourselves and love for others. If we desire something, we must first give it away.

We cannot fully give love if we do not first become it.

The energy of our subconscious is always lifeward, always healing. It is on our side and it wants us to win.

All we need to do is step out of its way.

Identify what it is you want from life and plant that seed before you sleep. This primes your mind with the alignment of your ideal self and it gets to work whilst you’re unconscious.
When you wake in a freer state, before you identify with the limited concept of self, there will be an expansive stillness. A stillness in which you then have the freedom to choose.
Invite that ideal self to be a reality in your mind and repeat this process day after day.

At any time we have a choice: we can either step forward into vulnerability and growth or step back into protection and stagnation. We can either harvest the richness life has to offer or we can merely exist.

All the answers we seek lay in silence, and that silence becomes a breeding ground for creation. Silence becomes the platform from which we craft our realities. Silence is where we truly meet ourselves.

What a relief to know that love is the only thing that matters!