If trauma is the loss of connection to ourselves, then healing is the reconnection. We must realise that we carry, at our deepest level, beneath all the layering we have accumulated throughout our lifetimes—beneath the hurt, the trauma, the fear, the insecurity—pure love; a certain vitality; an unmistakable courage; a quality that is always within and ready to welcome us with open arms if only we let it; a beautiful connectedness the likes of which we have only ever experienced during moments of Flow.

Match the frequency of your brain waves to the reality you wish for and become more aligned with that reality...

Think of your mind as a pure, blank computer. A tool that has limitless potential, because it has. Make a decision, right now, to take charge of it instead of continuing to hand the programming duties over to the television, the newspaper, the internet, the radio, etc etc. Make a decision, right now, to take charge of it instead of handing over the quality of your life to anything other than that which will nurture a picture of your ideal self.

We only think we need things because we believe they offer us a quality we haven’t yet found in ourselves. But nothing outside of ourselves can offer us what it is we truly desire.

We are already everything we need and more, but we’re constantly distracted from this. We already have the ability to stand up and thrive just the same as we have the ability to sink into the background and shrink. We have the ability to be bold and flourish just the same as we have the ability to fade and wither.

Your evolution all comes down to the choices you make.

Are you willing to see the solution? Or are you addicted to the problem?

Who would you be if you didn’t believe there was anything wrong with you?

In Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender by Dr. David R. Hawkins, he phrases this beautifully:

We fear that the inner voyage of discovery will lead us to some dreadful, awful truth. In the programming of our minds, this is one of the barriers that the world has set up to prevent us from finding out the real truth.

There is one thing the world does not want us to find out and that is the truth about ourselves. Why? Because then we will become free. We can no longer be controlled, manipulated, exploited, drained, enslaved, imprisoned, vilified, or disempowered.

What is the real truth about this voyage? The real truth is that, as we go within and discard one illusion after another, one falsehood after another, one negative program after another, it gets lighter and lighter. The awareness of the presence of love becomes stronger and stronger. We will feel lighter and lighter. Life becomes progressively more effortless.

Every great teacher since the beginning of time has said to look within and find the truth, for the truth of what we really are will set us free. If what is to be found within ourselves were something to feel guilty about, something that is rotten, evil and negative, then all the world’s great teachers would not advise us to look there.

Are you really prepared to give up on yourself? After everything you’ve been through?

Prime yourself for success. Each one of us is more than capable of rewriting our script, so let’s get to it…