There is far more satisfaction and growth found in focusing on what we do have and applying our best to that rather than dwelling on what we lack and endlessly wanting more.

Learn to be content with what you have, where you are, and you’ll become more wealthy than you can possibly imagine.

It is in overcoming our challenges with the courage to develop a mindset that nurtures the confidence to get in touch with our core principles, our core values, our individual truths—our true selves, free from external influence—that we begin to develop a certain assurance in ourselves and our abilities.

It is in overcoming our challenges with the courage to develop a mindset that nurtures the confidence to get in touch with our core principles, our core values, our individual truths—our true selves, free from external influence—that we engage with who we were born to be, without reservation.

It is in overcoming our challenges with the courage to develop a mindset that nurtures the confidence to get in touch with our core principles, our core values, our individual truths—our true selves, free from external influence—that we step beyond the limitations of thought and engage with the awareness that has been buried deep within us, patiently waiting, for the duration of our adult lives.

“You can graduate with the finest degrees. You can read the most useful books. You can enjoy the loving support of family and friends. “But your degrees can’t take action for you. Your books can’t make the decision for you. Your family can’t live your life for you. “There is no substitute for courage. At some point, you have to make the choice.”

— James Clear

We’re hardly ever encouraged to be present in life, engaging in activities that remove us from the present moment and rarely living inside it. But the volume has to pale in comparison to depth.

If we remain present and ask ourselves what we can learn from a situation we create space between it and ourselves, offering an increased chance of manifesting a solution.

Beyond thought we are, ultimately, engaging with our true selves instead of the mindless chatter that removes us from the majesty of our experience. Beyond thought, we are engaging directly with the conditions any attempt to identify can only point to.

Beyond thought, we engage with love, we engage with spirit, we engage with awareness; we are, ultimately, engaging with ourselves. What better use of our time and energy than that?

This is not some bullshit idea that I’m talking about for my own benefit. This understanding has a timeless clarity that has been present for you to reconnect with throughout the duration of our adult lives—now all it requires from you now is a little focus to reawaken.

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.

― Darryl Anka

Listen, the most horrendous events may have befallen you but they no longer have to be a prohibitive presence in your reality if you’re ready to make that choice. Is either obsessing about the past or worrying about the future helping you evolve in the present?

Will you continue defining yourself by your past and your lower self or will you instead work on becoming more comfortable with your place in the present moment, using your unchangeable history as a springboard for growth and trusting that the future will be one of hope and possibility? Will you continue focusing on that which cannot be changed or get to work applying your energies to that which can?


The choices we make right here and now determine who we are becoming. The choices we consistently employ will determine which version of ourselves we grow into each and every day.

Who is it that you really want to be? And how is it that you’d really like to spend your time?

Why aren’t you doing that now?

Being honest with ourselves is a fundamental step to attaining the life we desire.

The neurons in our brains constantly talk and send chemical messages to one another. This knowledge alone makes it incredibly important to be deliberate with our thinking. With repetition, our intentions create stronger neural pathways that are more aligned with our desired outcomes.

The truth is, we don’t attract more of what we want from life, we attract more of what we are.

This very moment is as good as any other to position ourselves for the greatest version of ourselves to blossom. This moment is another chance to get to work on removing the barriers preventing us from falling in love with life. This moment is another opportunity for us to start living successfully, however that looks and whatever that means.

Right now is another opportunity for you to nurture your reality and make of it the best it can be. Today is another opportunity to grow. Today is another opportunity for you to dance. Today is another opportunity for you to thrive. What a relief to know the only thing that matters is love!

Everything we do either brings us a step closer or further away from our ideal selves. Once we take this knowledge seriously the way in which we invest our time and energy has no option but become deliberate.